Strippit Machine Dowel Pins
Strippit Machines,  as well as many other Machine Tools,
have many Complex and Precision Mechanical Components that are Precisely Located During Building Process at the Factory.

Shot-Pin Housings,  Turret-Bases,  Bearing Mounts,  Die Bases, Etc.,  are all  Located,  Bolted-Down,  and  Finally Dowel-Pinned
into position using  Precision Reamers and Precision-Ground
Dowel-Pins  during the Machine Building process.

Many think that Dowel Pins are for Additional  "Holding"  Power,
but  this is Not Their Purpose.

Dowel Pins  are for  Locating Position.

The Idea is,  when you take a Dowel-Pinned Component off the Machine for some Repair,  you can then Bolt-It Back in Original
Precise Factory Position with the use of Locating Dowel Pins.
  Most of the Time,  if a Machine Component is Dowel-Pinned,  Leave it Alone!!!

But, on Occasion,  something like a Die Base will need to be removed for
Repair or Alignment.    And so,  I get requests on How to Remove these Pins.

Cleverly,  Strippit uses  "Pull-Dowels",  which have a Threaded-Hole in one end.
When Originally Installed,  the Solid-End is inserted into it's Hole,  Leaving
Threaded-End Exposed,  which you can use with a Dowel-Puller to remove it.

I have several Different Dowel Pullers that I use,  depending on Space and Location
I am working in.     But,  here is information on Puller I use the Most,
so you can Duplicate it for your own use.

Note,  If there is Not Enough Information here for You to Figure-Out how to make your
          own Dowel Puller,  Maybe You Should Not Be Pulling Out Dowel Pins!
This is a  Snap-On Tool Co.   Slide-Hammer  that I bought Years ago.    It is Basically a
3/4" Hardened Fine-Threaded-Rod 20 Inches Long  and has a  4 Pound Slide-Hammer.

I had  5 Tips  made in a Machine Shop to Hold Different-Size  Socket-Head Cap Screws
(S.H.C.S.)  to fit Different-Size Dowel Pins and their Internal Threaded-Ends.
These Tips are  2" Long,  and are  Drilled & Tapped about  1 3/4" Deep  to Fit the Rod.
Then other end is Clearance-Drilled for the Different-Sizes of  S.H.C. Screws 
(Socket Head Cap Screws)  used.

The 5  Sizes  I have are;
  .187"   for a    #8      S.H.C.S.
  .219"   for a    #10    S.H.C.S.
  .281"   for a    1/4"   S.H.C.S.
  .328"   for a    5/16" S.H.C.S.
  .390"   for a    3/8"   S.H.C.S.
Use is Quite Simple.

1 -- You select the Proper S.H.C.S. and Tip for Dowel to be Removed.

2 -- Using a  Long Allen Wrench,  Push  S.H.C.S.  through the Tip,
      and  Screw it in as Far as you can into Dowel Pin.

3 -- Then Screw Slide-Hammer Rod into the Tip.

4 --  Make sure Slide-Hammer is Straight,  then Carefully,  Slap the Hammer against
       Rod-Stop,  and  Pull the Dowel out.      Try Not to Hit Your Hand!
       It may take several Hard-Hits,  Depending on Size and Tightness of Dowel Pin.  
       Do NOT  Hit Hammer Harder than Necessary,  as you can Break the Smaller 1/4"
       Dowel Pins,  as well as  S.H.C. Screws!

       Throw Away S.H.C.S. after a Couple of uses,  as they can  Fatigue and Break!

5 --  When you Reassemble Machine Components,  Clean  &  Flat-File  Both Machine
      Surfaces to Remove  Burrs around the  Dowel Holes  and  Bolt Holes.
We can Supply Dowel Pins that Strippit used in Building their Machines.

Common Dowel Sizes that Strippit used,  and the  Drill & Reamer Sizes used;

Dowel Size            Strippit #            Pull-Hole          Drill Size                 Reamer Size
.250" x 1.0"           18204-000            #8-32                15/64"    .2344"         .2480"
.375" x 1.0"           12412-000            #10-32              23/64"    .3594"         .3740"
.375" x 1.5"           12557-000            #10-32              23/64"    .3594"         .3740"
.375" x 2.0"           12138-000            #10-32              23/64"    .3594"         .3740"
.406" x 1.5"           104399-100          #10-32              25/64"    .3906"         .4050"
.437" x 1.5"           18738-000            #10-32              25/64"    .3906"         .4050"
.500" x 1.5"           12589-000             1/4-20              31/64"    .4844"         .4990"
.500" x 2.0"           13564-000             1/4-20              31/64"    .4844"         .4990"
.515" x 1.5"           104399-200           1/4-20              1/2"        .5000"         .5140"
.531" x 1.5"           104399-300           1/4-20              33/64"    .5156"         .5290"
.625" x 1.5"           14802-000             1/4-20              39/64"    .6094"         .6225"
.750" x 3.0"           13578-000             5/16-18            47/64"    .7344"         .7458"

Doweling can be Difficult.    At the Strippit LVD Factory,  a Portable  Mag-Base Drill 
as shown in Photo below,  is used to provide the
Rigidity & Drill Point Pressure Required to Drill & Ream Steel Properly.

But,  its still very easy to end up with a Oversize hole and a  "Loose Dowel".

So if you had a Loose  .500" Dowel,  you would simply  Re-Ream  Loose  .500" Hole
with  .5140" Reamer,  and  fit a  .515" Dowel,  or  even move up to a  .531" Dowel.

That's why Strippit Makes  Oversize  .406"  and  .437" Dowels  for the  .375" Dowel,
and  .515"  and  .531" Oversize Dowels for  .500" Dowel Size,  to Fix these Mistakes.
This page was last updated: May 28, 2024
Hats-Off  to  Ford
for  Building their  Super Van  on a  GT40  Le Mans  Race Car!
Watch the Video!

Strippit also used  Custom-Made Tapered  Pull-Dowel  Pins
to  Locate Punch-Head Assembly in their Single-Station Punch Machines
like the  Super 30/30,  Super 30/40,  and  Custom 18/30.
Punch-Head was  Factory Aligned,  Drilled,  Taper Reamed,  and  had 
2  Locating  Tapered  Pull-Dowel  Pins Installed.

The Idea was that, 
in the Future when Punch-Head was Dropped-Down for Repairs and Maintenance,
Punch-Head could be positioned back to Original Factory Aligned Position
by  Carefully Re-installing  Tapered  Pull-Dowel  Pins
when Repairs and Maintenance was finished.

If you have  Damaged  or  Lost  your   2   #62496-000  Tapered  Pull-Dowel  Pins
we now have a  Limited Stock  of  New  Custom-Made Tapered-Dowel  Pins.

Pins are Sold in Pairs  with   2   5/16" x 18  S.H.C.S. 
which we use with  Dowel-Puller to Remove Pins.

We also  Screw-In  S.H.C.S.'s  into Dowels when Reinstalling Dowels back in Machine
so  that we Tap in Place  The Head  of the  S.H.C.S.   and  NOT  the  Dowel Pin Top
using a  3/4" Brass-Rod  and  Brass-Hammer,
to make sure we do  NOT  the Damage Pins.